KMC AL SHIFA is dedicated to revive the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and bringing you a holistic approach to health and well-being. Our mission is to provide quality Ayurvedic treatments that nurture your body, mind, and spirit, helping you to achieve optimal balance and vitality.

Nestled in the heart of Malappuram, KMC AL SHIFA is a sanctuary of healing where traditional Ayurvedic principles blend seamlessly with modern practices. Our team of experienced Ayurvedic practitioners and therapists are committed to guiding you on a journey towards improved health, addressing the root causes of ailments rather than just the symptoms.

Our services

Ayurvedic consultation
Different types of ayurvedic treatments
Cupping therapy
(Hijama treatment)
Wellness treatment

Our Treatments


It is traditional ayurvedic massage therapy with gentle warm ayurvedic oils, for pain relief, relaxation, rejuvenate and it helps to lubricate the joints & thus reduces pain and inflamation of joints. It improves blood circulation, increases mental relaxation and promote better sleep.


Kizhi is one of the trademark of keraleeya panchakarma. It is an effective treatment for chronic as well as dreadful disorders. Kizhi is a kind of fomentation therapy which is done by using warm poultice containing herbs, herbal powders, rice or sand.


An effective ayurvedic therapy to cleanse the body. It helps to improve skin health, lowering blood pressure, improving circulation, reduces joint stiffness, relaxes mind, promote overall health and well being.


Sirovasti is an ancient ayurvedic treatment that involves warm herbal oil being placed on the head for a specific period of time. Sirovasti is very useful treatment for nervous problems. It prevents psychosomatic diseases and Promotes intellect and memory. This treatment Addresses many diseases of the head, ear, nose and eyes.


Dhara is most known ayurvedic therapy. The main ingredients of dhara are herbal oil, coconut water, milk, ghee etc. It is effective in management of many psychological disease like stress, insominia, epilepsy etc. Also effective in general relaxation of body and mind.


Kadee vasti is the method of treatment keeping oil on lumbar region using special caps. This is effective in relieving back pain, joint pain, lumbar spondylosis etc.


Nasya is a panchakarma treatment that involves administering medication and herbal extracts through the nasal cavity to treat different complications affecting the region above the shoulder. Nasyam helps to control migrane, headache, sinusitis, congestion in breathing etc.


Siravydha ia a procedure of bloodletting by puncturing. It is highly beneficial in removing the vitiated blood from the body. An effective treatment in case of vericosevein. Effects of siravyadha manifests at multiple levels from the blood hemodynamics to the quality of life of vericose vein patients.


It is one among the kizhi procedure. The main ingredient in this kizhi is navra rice. It provide nourishment and strength to the body tissues, including bones, muscles, and soft tissues. It is also used for the purpose of rejuvenation of the body.


Pichu is a palliative treatment for ailment of whole body. During this treatment a long thick layer of cotton wool soaked with warm medicated oil is applied over the affected area. The oil is replaced periodically to keep it warm and therapeutic.

Cupping therapy (HIJAMA)

Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which a local suction is created on the skin with the application of cups. It may ease back pain, neck pain, headaches, skin disease and other issues.

Benefits of cupping therapy

  • Helps to relieve from body pain, joint pain, back pain etc
  • Helps to boost immunity
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Helps to refresh the body
  • Prevents lifestyle diseases
  • Effective for skin diseases
  • Relaxes mind and promote overall health
  • Helps to reduce inflammation and redness
  • Removes toxins from body
  • Helps to maintain health

Wellness treatment

Wellness treatment includes the combination of ayurvedic treatment and cupping therapy. It helps to maintain our health and it includes

  • Abyangam
  • Steam bath
  • Face massage
  • Head massage
  • Hijama (Cupping Therapy)

Booking Time

10.00 AM - 05.00 PM

Booking Number

+91 9846 81 3333

